Vivian Tablada


Pintora capaz de combinar colores, texturas y formas creando una atracción entre el espectador y la obra.
Sus cuadros han sido expuestos en Madrid, Barcelona, San Sebastian y Miami Art Basel.



C/ Principe de Vergara Nª9

28001 Madrid

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It is in the oneiric significance of the stroke where the texture of the matter, the light and the word achieve their genuine and disturbing presence. This is how the presence of matter is shown, with stealthy clarity, a matter which inhabits every composition, every work of art of the plastic artist Vivian Tablada, in her wide and polyhedral artistic language, a patchwork of undeniable conceptual intelligence combined with a significant and sensible perception of kaleidoscopic, subtle and enigmatic realities.

There is a clear evolution of themes and procedures in Tablada's work. Her pictorial language arises from a sober and sensible gaze focused in the world of objects, their geometric realities and their unforeseeable and hidden universe in order to reach gradually a plastic discourse, where the tangible presence of the object dissolves itself in the material paste of the painting, of the rough and conceptual geography of symbolic atmospheres, home to impossible words, unattainable dreams, a thirst for fulfillment or the illusions of transcendence.

The various canvases that make up each series are presented as consecutive unfinished stories, which appear and disappear in their insatiable drive for visibility and durability, at the same time inscrutable in their cryptic iconography or in their incorporeal and eyeless faces, in their escape lines to indecipherable infinites, or in their unmentionable spaces filled with rare routes that diverge and take us to an inconsistent and "irreverent" ecstatic contemplation of beauty.

Josep lluis Peris - València September 2012

The resolution and fluidity on canvas

Vivian Tablada's work is of great expressive force, it's abstract, rational and spontaneous. Her paintings have evolved from its beginning with simple strokes to the use of patches as a form of expression. Her handling of the spade provides a work full of freshness and a hard cover. With this technique.

She has achieved a passionate technique and a unique and dynamic effect in his painting. We could say that she is a researcher in the world of painting and materials, where shapes and color struggle to be the protagonists of the painting.

J.C. Fleita

Selection of the best Neoexpressionist paintings in Madrid by the artist Vivian Tablada

Materiales de trabajo Pintando cuadro Vivian Tablada Vivian Tablada en su taller

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